
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)

What is hair transplant?2019-07-05T09:28:45+00:00

Hair Transplant is the only permanent method of hair restoration in which one’s own hair from the back and sides of the head are extracted and implanted on front in the bald area.

Who can undergo hair transplant?2019-07-05T09:31:24+00:00
  • Age of the patient should be 20 yrs or older.
  • Inadequate response to medications.
  • Significant hair loss.
  • Other causes of Hair Loss have been ruled out.
  • No medical contraindications to surgery.
  • Reasonable patient expectations.
Can females undergo hair transplant?2019-07-05T09:32:24+00:00

Yes Females can undergo Hair Transplant.

What are the techniques of hair transplant?2019-07-05T09:58:12+00:00

Nowadays, Hair Transplant is being done by Follicular unit technique which involves two ways of hair extraction – STRIP method and FOLLICULAR UNIT EXTRACTION ( FUE).

In the STRIP method,a strip of skin from the back of head (donor area) is removed with the help of scalpel. The gap at the back of head is then stitched together.The strip is then divided into grafts containing one ,two or three follicles.

FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction: The latest technique is a stitch-less method of hair restoration in which hair root (follicles) are extracted from the back of head under local anesthesia with the help of special micro-punches and implanted in the bald area. In this procedure, no scalpel is required which is used for cutting skin in the ‘strip’ surgery. The entire procedure is done by the surgeons and not by technicians.

What is the difference between FUE and Strip method?2019-07-05T09:33:51+00:00

Both are methods of hair extraction where in one case whole strip of hair bearing skin is removed and defect sutured back whereas in FUE individual follicles are extracted.

In which cases is FUE better than STRIP Technique?2019-07-05T09:34:35+00:00

FUE can be done in all cases.

It is most useful for people who keep small hair or shave their head or have tendency of hypertrophic scars because they will not have any visible scars (As they are only Microscopic).

This is the only method by which adequate cover can be given for NH Gr VI-VII as the hair can be extracted from the head as well as the body in multiple sittings.

In the strip technique, the number of hair are limited as only those hair which are removed in the strip can be used for transplant.

It is also the preferred technique for eyebrow or mustache transplant or in patients having tight skin.

It is ideal for revision cases i.e. those who have already undergone surgery by strip method. Multiple sittings can be given on consecutive days or later on to give “add-on” hair.

What is the difference between hair and follicular units ?2019-07-05T09:35:03+00:00

Hair grows naturally in follicular units of one, two or three groups which if extracted together grow in a very natural way.

Does it hurt?2019-07-05T09:35:41+00:00

No, Hair transplant is done under local anesthesia all over the world which is administered with very fine insulin syringes which hurt minimally. Also we administer nerve blocks which cut down the number of pricks considerably and lead to prolonged anesthesia.

What is the time gap between individual sittings?2019-07-05T09:36:09+00:00

Individual sittings of FUE can be planned according to the time available. They can be done even on consecutive days or few days or a week apart whereas in the strip , you have to wait for 6-12 months.

What is the difference in the post-op precautions of both techniques ?2019-07-05T09:37:05+00:00

In STRIP method, sutures are put at the back of head, so special precautions like sleeping in a particular position, refraining from exercise, avoiding strenuous work etc. are required till the stitches are out.

In FUE, the patient walks out of the clinic ,rests for a while and is free to follow daily routine from next day. Even the bandage at the back of head is out the next day. As there are no sutures there is minimal pain post operatively.

Is there any difference in the no. of follicles extracted by these methods?2019-07-05T09:37:36+00:00

Yes, the number of follicles extracted in STRIP method is definitely more in one sitting as compared to one sitting of FUE .But even one sitting of strip is usually not sufficient for most of the cases which means multiple sittings and multiple scars. FUE is virtually free of scars (As they are only Microscopic) and patient can undergo multiple sittings without much discomfort.

What about the scarring ?2019-07-05T09:38:28+00:00

Scarring is definitely more in STRIP method and sometimes numbness and abnormal sensation persists at the back of head.

What about the healing period ?2019-07-05T09:38:53+00:00

Healing is much faster in FUE and patient is active and mobile immediately after surgery on the same day only whereas in STRIP a resting period of at least a week is required.

When will the scabs fall off ?2019-07-05T09:39:33+00:00

Healing is much faster in FUE and patient is active and mobile immediately after surgery on the same day only whereas in STRIP a resting period of at least a week is required.

When can one see the final results?2019-07-05T09:39:57+00:00

The hair start regrowing after 3-4 months. Full growth is usually appreciable after 10-12 months.

What is the life of transplanted hair?2019-07-05T09:40:20+00:00

It is lifetime as the donor area is the permanent zone.

Why is it costly than the Strip method?2019-07-05T09:56:40+00:00

FUE the world over is more costly than STRIP as it involves more hardwork and more time period is spent. Also the entire procedure is performed by the surgeons themselves unlike STRIP method where the assistants do upto 75% of the work.

How many hair are required to cover the bald area ?2019-07-05T09:41:11+00:00

It depends on the bald area as well as the density required by a patient. You can send in your pictures in front-on, sides and from below view for free online consultation and we can advise you regarding the same.

Do the transplanted hair look natural ?2019-07-05T09:41:37+00:00

The look is definitely natural as transplant is done by FOLLICULAR UNIT method where naturally growing groups are taken out and implanted as compared to the outdated punch transplant where the look was not natural.

What is the role of Finpacea ?2023-05-20T11:17:56+00:00

Finasteride is a medicine for androgeneic alopecia which definitely works. It decreases hair loss, increases diameter of hair and causes hair regrowth.

Why come to SIDDHARTH CLINIC ?2019-07-05T09:42:12+00:00

Because the surgeons at SIDDHARTH CLINIC are trained by international pioneers in the field of Hair restoration surgery, they keep themselves update about the latest developments by attending national and international conferences and firmly believe in HONESTY AND HARD WORK.

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